Grade 3-5 Inquiry Kits

We are very excited to make available to your Grade 3-5 Science and Cross-Curricular classes, Inquiry Kits. 

These kits have been developed by our District Science and Cross-Curricular Team and are designed to create a curious 'spark' that can lead to further investigation and inquiry while building important process skills such as observing and questioning. Schools with French Immersion have received English and French materials. Each school has received one kit. 

Each kit (rolling toolbox) contains: 

  • A binder with 11 Inquiry Activity Cards and formative assessment checklists
  • 1 Read aloud for each activity to support literacy connections (11 English books and 11 French books if applicable) 
  • Materials and equipment to support each activity (including some consumables) 
  • Smarter Science Framework document 
  • ‘Dive into Inquiry’ by Trevor MacKenzie 

To maximize the benefit of the Inquiry Kit, we would suggest that it remain intact as one piece. Teachers may decide to create a logbook system for signing the kit in and out during their Science or Cross-Curricular time. As consumables are depleted, we recommend keeping track so that the school could replenish if desired (a list of materials is included on the back of the binder and a digital copy with links can be found on STEM North).

In Science and Cross-Curricular blocks, teachers are encouraged to facilitate learning through inquiry-based, hands-on / minds-on active approaches situated in real-world contexts. This allows students to make connections with their own lives and the community in which they live.  Students will become excited and curious about the concepts and phenomena under study, and they then become motivated to learn. Read more about Scientific Literacy HERE.

Here you will also find supplementary resources to support each activity as well.

Please reach out to Krista Nowlan ( for further support.

ASD-N Inquiry Activity Cards (printed copies are included in the kit)

 Inquiry Kit Inventory