STEM Fest 2025


Date: Saturday Mar. 22 2025

Location: James M. Hill - Miramichi

Registration: Open now and closes Mar. 19th, 2025

Grades: K-12

STEM Fair Project Display Template (Word Version)

Intro to STEM Projects - Canva Presentation (K. Nowlan)


Registration: Closes Mar 19th

Maximum number of student projects that can be registered from your school:

3-5: 8 projects

6-8: 8 projects

9-12: 8 projects




Project Categories


Discovery: A Discovery project  seeks to answer a question by collecting and analyzing data from an original investigation or original research. It has a Testable Question and Hypothesis.


InnovationAn Innovation project  seeks to solve a problem by designing and testing a new device or method or enhancing an existing device or method. It has a Problem/Purpose and Design Process.


Student Showcase

Showcase submissions are open to K-12 students and classes to highlight some of the amazing Science and STEM learning happening in their school. These projects are not judged in the district event but students participating have the opportunity to share their learning, participate in STEM activities, and are eligible for door prizes during the day. Maximum of 4 students per showcase. K-5 students will need to have an adult supervisor in attendance.




Email with any questions 


Tentative Schedule

*Students, please arrive as close to 9:30am as possible to get registered and set up* 


March 22nd 2025 9:30-3:00


Set-up / Sign-in 9:30-10:00

Opening 10:00-10:15

Judging / Sessions 10:25-12:10

Lunch / Viewing 12:15-12:45

Judging / Sessions 12:50-1:40

Public Viewing 1:40-2:00

Science Show 2:00-2:30

Awards / Closing 2:30-3:00


STEM Fair Guidelines and Resources


Safety & Ethics - Your safety is important. When working on your idea, it is important to always put safety first. It is your responsibility to take steps to keep yourself and others safe. Ethics deal with social agreements on right and wrong. In the STEM community, there are rules on how to work in an ethical, or right, way. In general, your project should never cause harm people or animals. It is your responsibility to make sure you are doing ethical STEM when working on your idea.


My STEM Space – Ideas to get started, categories, project library and more!


Challenges and Topics Ideas - The best project ideas are something you’re passionate about! Check out these different Challenges for topics that might inspire you.


Judging Rubric - See how judges will evaluate your STEM project.


STEM Project PowerPoint Template (2022 Virtual version but content is a great guideline - Ex: Intro video would not be a requirement)

STEM Fair Project Display Template (Word Version)


Intro to STEM Projects - Canva Presentation (K. Nowlan)





Initiate and Plan - Start with what you are passionate about and what you’re good at. This is the step where anything is possible. Dream big. Follow your passions. Ask questions. What do you want to explore?

Youth Science Guide

My STEM Idea Brainstorm


Perform & Record – Get messy and dive into your project! This is where you test your discovery or innovation plans.

Youth Science Guide

Analyze and Interpret - Now it’s time to look at your results. What happened and why?

Youth Science Guide


Communication - You’ve made it! All of your hard work led to this, and now it’s time to share what you’ve learned.

Youth Science Guide


Other Resources


·         Youth Science Canada

·         Centres of Excellence

·         Brilliant Labs / Labos Créatif

·         The Gaia Project / Projet Gaia

·         Learning for a Sustainable Future / L'Éducation au service de la Terre


·         Let’s Talk Science / Parlons Sciences

·         Science Buddies (Coming up with your ideaTopic Wizard Quiz)