
Title Description Posted
Rock and Roll Numeracy K-5 Nov 9, 2021
Shadow Math K-5 Nov 9, 2021
Scavenger's Bucket List K-5 Nov 9, 2021
Freaky Flyers K-5 Nov 9, 2021
Record Breakers K-5 Nov 9, 2021
Place Value in Nature 2-5 French Nov 9, 2021
Place Value in Nature 2-5 English Nov 9, 2021
Hula Hoop Math K-5 Nov 9, 2021
How many blades of grass?

Measurement Estimation

Nov 9, 2021
November ASD-N Discover

November ASD-N Discover

Nov 1, 2021
3-5 Home Learning


Nov 1, 2021
K-2 Home Learning


Nov 1, 2021
Home Learning 6-8 Literacy


Nov 1, 2021
Home Learning SS


Nov 1, 2021
Home Learning FNE


Nov 1, 2021
3rd Learning from the Land

Weji-kino’masulti’kw maqamikek Series

Event: 3rd Learning from the Land/Weji-kino’masulti’kw maqamikek Series

Date: November 2nd, 2021 (all day)

Where: Schools everywhere

Description: Restigouche Watershed is located in Eastern Québec and Northern New-Brunswick. It’s home to the Listiguj First Nation in Quebec and the Ugpi’ganjig First Nation in Northern NB. Sugarloaf High School, has graciously agreed to be our “watershed hosting school” which means their bell schedule determines our program schedule. We’d like schools from all 4 Districts to have the opportunity to join us virtually to be inspired by this beautiful watershed, its people, its forests, and its salmon!

Oct 26, 2021
Climate Education Capacity Building Grant

​I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to submit applications for funding that has been made available to help build teacher capacity focusing on Climate Change Education. Individual educators may apply for up to $1000 in funding, while PLC groups and Teams can apply for a maximum of $2500. This funding may go towards honorariums for guest speakers/presenters, professional learning sessions, resources and materials, release time, field trips, courses, community partnerships and more.


Oct 26, 2021
Nuclear Science Week Webinars!

NSW Webinars

Oct 15, 2021 links to renewed curriculum links to renewed curriculum

Oct 14, 2021
Questioning Activities

Questioning Activities

Oct 12, 2021


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