Science and STEAM Home Learning Resources

Posted: April 5, 2020


Science and STEAM Home Learning Supplementary Resources


The primary focus when facilitating Science and STEAM Home Learning should be on promoting and instilling a love for Science, STEAM and a general curiosity and wonder about ourselves and the world around us (and beyond!). When we can facilitate the acquisition of Science skills for students, we are empowering them to continue their learning on their own. 


The resources suggested are a small sample of what is at our fingertips so we have attempted to shortlist this for teachers.  If you have a great site or strategy you use, or have come across, please feel free to share it with a member of our team!


Keep in mind, as well, the multitude of opportunities there are for interdisciplinary learning. When a student keeps a scientific journal, they are also often meeting outcomes in literacy and numeracy. When learning about and discussing Climate Change, there are Social Studies outcomes being met.  When designing or prototyping there are many technology outcomes being met.  When students are exposed to interdisciplinary learning, their learning becomes more streamlined, relevant and personalized.


As always, the primary resource for Science is our provincial curriculum documents: NB Curriculum (Anglophone Sector)


The new Grades 3, 4, 5 Science curricula have been released.  You are welcome to use it as a resource now however it is not mandatory at this time:

Science 3: Our Local Environment

Science 4: Properties and Uses of Earth Materials

Science 5: Living and Technological Systems


Smarter Science can also be used as a primary resource.

Smarter Science is a framework for teaching and learning science in grades 1–12 and for developing the skills of inquiry, creativity, and innovation in a meaningful and engaging manner.

Smarter Science

Éduca Sciences

Posters and PDFs


Supplementary Science Resources for Home Learning by Grade Level (these resources will be updated on an on-going basis):






Supplementary French Science Resources for Home Learning by Grade Level (these resources will be updated on an on-going basis)


We will be posting ASD-N Weekly STEAM with the goal of promoting and instilling a love for Science, STEAM and general wonder about the world around us.  This weekly publication can be used how you see valuable. Please feel free to tag @stemnorth on twitter with your pictures, videos or comments.  You can also follow STEAM in ASD-N on Facebook.