Posted: December 9, 2016
Bonar Law
Posted: December 9, 2016
Students programmed and wired a single digit using their knowledge of scratch, electrical circuits and the Raspberry Pi.
Posted: January 7, 2016
Posted: January 7, 2016
Posted: January 6, 2016
Posted: December 11, 2015
Posted: December 10, 2015
Posted: December 7, 2015
For anyone who is interested in beginning a project like this at their school I cannot stress enough the importance of developing connections outside of the school for resources and support. Making links with outside agencies like community colleges, university, charitable organizations and business professionals can provide an amazing amount of support and materials. I was amazed at the support I recieved once I asked. Getting this up and running has taken the cooperation of Technicians, District Staff, partners, our local School Staff, and many others but a small piece at a time it has started to come together. I believe in the next two weeks You will see a fully functional robotics lab thanks to the generosity of many. While the Robotics course was a main focus for getting the space started it will allow it to also function as a makerspace for other students.
Our current plan for running the Robotics course will be following the pathway below. This pathway will also give the students the skill to become tinkerers on the electronics side and develop their own gadgets. Our course will use Raspberry Pi's as the core resource to learn programming, circuits, design, etc. due to its modular nature, wide range of open source support and parts. Please note that this is only a working pathway and will likely be refined in the future.
1. Basic Linux OS skills - To be able to function in Debian (Raspberry Pi native OS)
2. Google Blockly - Introduction to computer programming, gamified logic puzzles, Hour of Code exercises
3. Google Blockly Programming - Writing basig programs using blockly, basic introduction to program design
4. (Possible) Google Blockly - GPIO programming on Raspberry Pi's
5. Transition from Google Blocly to Python (using Google's "translator")
6. Python Programming - (gamified) Code Combat
7. Python Programming - JetBrains: PyCharm (windows based IDE), or NinjaIDE (Linux based IDE for RPi's)
8. Python Syntax - Codecademy
9. Interacting with GPIO pins - Python - GPIO Zero
10. Design of prototypes
11. Development of Functional Prototypes - Learning circuits in context while programming
12. Refining process
13. Capstone project
Posted: December 7, 2015
Posted: December 7, 2015